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Schedule a Show

Thanks for your interest in the physics show! Please fill out the form and we will contact you soon!

The Department of Physics and Astronomy does not have vacant indoor space for meals; however, groups desiring to bring lunch for after the show may utilize the outdoor landing between the Mitchell Physics complex and the Blocker building.

    We may need to contact you on short notice for emergencies or cancellations.

    Date selected is not guaranteed.

    Shows on MWF cannot start earlier than 10:30 a.m.

    Max capacity seats 182 people

    We will do our best to tag you in photos/videos on our social media channels.

    Note: If you want multiple days, please comment the days you want vrs. entering separate submissions..

    If attending with child(ren): Student release forms should be signed with parental consent BEFORE attendance of the physics show to allow all images, video, and/or audio of child(ren) for Texas A&M online productions and/or advertisements. Such forms should be provided by your school, district, or program. If parents do not consent, we ask that you make us aware before the show and sit those children away from cameras if needed.