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Come enjoy the show!

Thought you needed an expensive airplane ticket to be in a cloud?
Just come to the Hawking Auditorium on the Texas A&M campus. Clouds, lightning, and magic bubbles! Solid air and liquid oxygen! Racquetballs fragile like glass and bananas as rigid as hammers! Levitating trains and floating toilet paper! All this and much more in the Hawking Auditorium. And none of it is magic, it’s Physics!

And you know what the best part is? Physics experiments that YOU can do at HOME! Want to start every morning with a physics experiment? Come to the Physics Show and get the ideas.

Who is it for?

Newborns (just kidding), kindergarteners (not kidding), first to 12th graders, parents, teachers and college students! Those who love physics, hate physics, or have no idea what physics is about: EVERYONE is invited!

The presentation is tailored to groups of different ages and “attention spans”. You can plan for a 90 min program.

Every child under 18 years old attending the Physics Show must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Texas A&M University  and any third party participants do not assume care, custody, and/or control of minors attending the Physics Show.

Bringing a big group?

Buses should enter Ireland Street from University Drive, then pull to the right side of Ireland Street just past New Street.  There is a parking garage on the corner of University Drive and Ireland Street.  Please do not pull the buses over by the parking garage.  FOR SAFETY, please drive the buses past the garage and New Street, then pull over on the right to empty the buses.  Students should disembark on the right side of Ireland Street, then cross Ireland Street in a pedestrian crosswalk to get to the George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy.  Buses should be parked along New Main Drive.

Oh, and try to come 10 min earlier to the atrium of the Mitchell Institute to enjoy our amazing 83-foot Foucault pendulum, the visual proof of Earth’s rotation!

See you at the Physics Show!

The Physics Show started in 2007 and has been attended by more than 30,000 people. Some of the low-temperature experiments were adopted from Dr. Glenn Agnolet’s “Low Temperature Extravaganza”.

The show is offered free of charge by the Department of Physics and Astronomy.